The Equipment Division of Fluid Energy, (formerly Fluid Energy Aljet), is one of the
world’s largest jet mill suppliers in the industry, with over 60 years of experience in
jet milling and flash drying technologies. We are the only manufacturer in the industry
offering 3 jet mill designs, plus ultra-fine air classifiers and flash drying systems.
Combined with our reputation for innovation, fine-material processing systems and
commitment to our customers places Fluid Energy at the forefront of the materials
processing industry.
At our Testing Facility in Telford, PA, Fluid Energy manufactures and operates our
complete line of size reduction and flash drying systems to demonstrate the performance
of our equipment using your material. Complete raw feed and finished product analyses
are conducted in this state-of-the-art facility. Engineering and processing data are
accumulated to develop complete system architecture for your application.
Whether your needs involve large-scale production control or basic bench top convenience,
our expert engineering and complete project review ensure efficient, cost-effective
solutions to your application challenges.